Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wi-Fi in Heaven? That Deserves A Neck.

  Well, well, well. Looks like the world didn't end yesterday, unless heaven looks exactly like my house and has wi-fi. As my friend Andre has said, "The people who thought the world was going to end owe me a neck.". It has come to my undertanding that some people may not know what necks are. My response is simple.

Neck yourselves.

  Look it up on Urban Dictionary. I'm sure they have it there. Which reminds me... You know what the definition of Jorden is? No, not the cruddy traditional one, meaning "river", the awesome, accurate, and totally legit one.

Jorden: The most amazing girl to ever walk the planet. Her smile will ignite a room with energy and happiness. Her happy, smiley, happy mood will change any mood into a great one. Jordens tend to be beautiful goddesses and know whats best for their special man. If you have a Jorden as a girlfriend you are without a doubt sitting on a gold mine of love and eternal happiness. You'll fall in love and be a better person because of her.

  I didn't make that up. And it was under the Jorden with an "e". Legit. Anyway, you'll never guess what I'm doing right now. Procrastinating! So Mrs. Nall, my Language Arts teacher, has requested me to write a poem in honor of our retiring principal. For those of you neck-worthy readers who haven't grasped what an excellent writer I am from reading this very blog... neck #2.
  So, I'm supposed to write the poem, but I really don't know where to start. They had a whole grand-spanking newsletter about her, but being the person I am, I lost it without a second thought. Until today, that is. Right now, I'm scalping through the yearbook, looking for anything that I can write about.
  You know what, this blog is holding me back again. Alright, well, since I need to get crackin' at this poem, let me wrap this up. I developedan outrageous love for aranges two days ago... and I've eaten like 8 since then, so maybe I can use some of that prange power to write a poem. (Orange power? I'm really not at my best today.)
  Oh, and did I tell you about the Ray-Ban nerd glasses I got? Yup, now I have the real glasses and the sunglasses. Pretty awesome. Okay, well I'm gonna hit Microsoft Word. Peace.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm Seriously Lost Right Now...

  Hey guys. I haven't posted in a SUPER long time, so let me start out by saying "sorry".


  Anyway, life has been super bust lately, which is why I haven't posted. No, I'm not going to go over everyhting big that's happened within the past few months, but I guess I'll give a quick overview of how things are currently standing.
  So, we've only got one week of school left! I'm so ready to get out of that crappy middle school. "Oh, high school is so hard.", "You can't ever slack off.", "You should be grateful to be at the age you are now.", and all of that stuff will NOT faze me, current highschool freshmen who don't want to share their turf.
  You know you were just as exicted to move forward, so do us eighth graders a favor and shut up. Moving on... so, we had field day today. Was it fun? No. Did I personally win anything? No. Did I get multiple burns from scrambling up and down a stupid inflatable obstacle course? Yes.
  On another subject, Rebecca and I eventually got our audition. We didn'y make it. And sadly, I'm not a nice enough person to say, "oh, it was both of our faults.". What?! She even said it was her fault! And plus, she nows how I am. If she didn't expect this kind of behavior from me, we wouldn't even be friends.
  But that was a long time ago. She hasn't been to school in moths. She's on home bound status and just got home from the hospital after having her appendix removed. Don't ask me why, because that's like asking a wall-- well, anything. She's fine, though.
  So, my fourteenth birthday is next month and I'm not so exicted. I'm a bit premature in stressing about getting old, seeing as it's only my fourteenth birthday, not my 30th. Next week is our promotion. Why can't we just call it graduation? I mean, REALLY. We're graduating from somewhere, aren't we?
  It's going to be sad leaving all the friends we've known for three years. And I'll probably never see Rebecca again, other than my birthday party (which I plan on inviting her to, no matter if she has to come in a gurney.) But that's life. C'est la vie, as I would say in my almost second language. I also had to go to my cousin's graduation last Friday and throughout the weekend, so I missed yearbook signing. Also, I'm only in the cruddy book once. In the student pictures. In my cruddy student picture. I also was on probation from Beta Club when they took their club yeah.
  Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. I'll try to post some more. Night!