Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Late Night Grammar Hunt

It's about ten thirty at night. I was supposed to have typed this earlier, but I was too busy editing the crud that I did to this blog when I was eleven. It's all about the inspiration, right? Wrong.
The new and improved version of this blog is all based on a stupid grammar project. Before Christmas Break, my teacher, Mrs. Nall assigned a grammar scavenger hunt project. I procrastinated, of course, knowing that I cared much too less to seek out errors in everything I read. I did what every modernized teen would do and searched "grammatical errors" on google.
Too bad that today, (the day before the project is due), Mrs. Nall decided to inform us at the last minute that we couldn't do that. I'm not going to lie; I should have expected that to come up eventually. I guess it's just one of those moments when you're desperate and wing it until you have to stop.
Well, long story short, while looking for errors to add to my start-over project, (this is really sad because I was finished with the project until the incident today) I was looking at people's blogs, and decided to make my own. That's why this is a waste of time. Anyway, I'm going to be mad at myself and end up falling asleep on the toilet tomorrow morning because I stayed up so late. OPTIONAL: If you find any grammar errors, post a link in the comments. Thank yah.

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