Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Long Time No Blog

  Eh. That's how my life could be described right now. Eh.
  So, we still haven't auditioned. Luckily, they rescheduled the talent show for March 29, so we have a lot of extra time to get an audition in. Anyway, sadly, about two days ago, my friend in my homeroom, Tony Williams, passed away. Apparently, the doctors were confused about why. He had been in the hospital for months, but was starting to get better. One day, his stomach began to bleed internally and he died.
  Everyone is completely depressed at my school, and I cried yesterday, but of course, we weren't in school so no one was a witness... Anyway, we all wore black and blue today. Not on purpose, really. There was a confusion because blue was his favorite color, but of course, some people had orignally planned on wearing black because...it's a death color. The real deal is that we are supposed to wear black today, and blue on Friday. Oh, Tony. I hope you're enjoying this.
  So at the end of the day, Rebecca and I went to go talk to Mrs. Nichols about the talent show. When I got back to homeroom, all the girls were crying. All of them. It was insanely awkward for me because I had no idea what happened in the five minutes I was gone. I just sat down and looked away. Anyway, I don't think there's much else to report on. I might blog later. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I saw your plea for more teen bloggers :) so heres one, very very different blogs :) but i mean were always cool with new things right.
    Im so sorry to hear about your friend, i hope you and everyone around you and him are alright.
