Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wi-Fi in Heaven? That Deserves A Neck.

  Well, well, well. Looks like the world didn't end yesterday, unless heaven looks exactly like my house and has wi-fi. As my friend Andre has said, "The people who thought the world was going to end owe me a neck.". It has come to my undertanding that some people may not know what necks are. My response is simple.

Neck yourselves.

  Look it up on Urban Dictionary. I'm sure they have it there. Which reminds me... You know what the definition of Jorden is? No, not the cruddy traditional one, meaning "river", the awesome, accurate, and totally legit one.

Jorden: The most amazing girl to ever walk the planet. Her smile will ignite a room with energy and happiness. Her happy, smiley, happy mood will change any mood into a great one. Jordens tend to be beautiful goddesses and know whats best for their special man. If you have a Jorden as a girlfriend you are without a doubt sitting on a gold mine of love and eternal happiness. You'll fall in love and be a better person because of her.

  I didn't make that up. And it was under the Jorden with an "e". Legit. Anyway, you'll never guess what I'm doing right now. Procrastinating! So Mrs. Nall, my Language Arts teacher, has requested me to write a poem in honor of our retiring principal. For those of you neck-worthy readers who haven't grasped what an excellent writer I am from reading this very blog... neck #2.
  So, I'm supposed to write the poem, but I really don't know where to start. They had a whole grand-spanking newsletter about her, but being the person I am, I lost it without a second thought. Until today, that is. Right now, I'm scalping through the yearbook, looking for anything that I can write about.
  You know what, this blog is holding me back again. Alright, well, since I need to get crackin' at this poem, let me wrap this up. I developedan outrageous love for aranges two days ago... and I've eaten like 8 since then, so maybe I can use some of that prange power to write a poem. (Orange power? I'm really not at my best today.)
  Oh, and did I tell you about the Ray-Ban nerd glasses I got? Yup, now I have the real glasses and the sunglasses. Pretty awesome. Okay, well I'm gonna hit Microsoft Word. Peace.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm Seriously Lost Right Now...

  Hey guys. I haven't posted in a SUPER long time, so let me start out by saying "sorry".


  Anyway, life has been super bust lately, which is why I haven't posted. No, I'm not going to go over everyhting big that's happened within the past few months, but I guess I'll give a quick overview of how things are currently standing.
  So, we've only got one week of school left! I'm so ready to get out of that crappy middle school. "Oh, high school is so hard.", "You can't ever slack off.", "You should be grateful to be at the age you are now.", and all of that stuff will NOT faze me, current highschool freshmen who don't want to share their turf.
  You know you were just as exicted to move forward, so do us eighth graders a favor and shut up. Moving on... so, we had field day today. Was it fun? No. Did I personally win anything? No. Did I get multiple burns from scrambling up and down a stupid inflatable obstacle course? Yes.
  On another subject, Rebecca and I eventually got our audition. We didn'y make it. And sadly, I'm not a nice enough person to say, "oh, it was both of our faults.". What?! She even said it was her fault! And plus, she nows how I am. If she didn't expect this kind of behavior from me, we wouldn't even be friends.
  But that was a long time ago. She hasn't been to school in moths. She's on home bound status and just got home from the hospital after having her appendix removed. Don't ask me why, because that's like asking a wall-- well, anything. She's fine, though.
  So, my fourteenth birthday is next month and I'm not so exicted. I'm a bit premature in stressing about getting old, seeing as it's only my fourteenth birthday, not my 30th. Next week is our promotion. Why can't we just call it graduation? I mean, REALLY. We're graduating from somewhere, aren't we?
  It's going to be sad leaving all the friends we've known for three years. And I'll probably never see Rebecca again, other than my birthday party (which I plan on inviting her to, no matter if she has to come in a gurney.) But that's life. C'est la vie, as I would say in my almost second language. I also had to go to my cousin's graduation last Friday and throughout the weekend, so I missed yearbook signing. Also, I'm only in the cruddy book once. In the student pictures. In my cruddy student picture. I also was on probation from Beta Club when they took their club yeah.
  Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. I'll try to post some more. Night!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Long Time No Blog

  Eh. That's how my life could be described right now. Eh.
  So, we still haven't auditioned. Luckily, they rescheduled the talent show for March 29, so we have a lot of extra time to get an audition in. Anyway, sadly, about two days ago, my friend in my homeroom, Tony Williams, passed away. Apparently, the doctors were confused about why. He had been in the hospital for months, but was starting to get better. One day, his stomach began to bleed internally and he died.
  Everyone is completely depressed at my school, and I cried yesterday, but of course, we weren't in school so no one was a witness... Anyway, we all wore black and blue today. Not on purpose, really. There was a confusion because blue was his favorite color, but of course, some people had orignally planned on wearing black's a death color. The real deal is that we are supposed to wear black today, and blue on Friday. Oh, Tony. I hope you're enjoying this.
  So at the end of the day, Rebecca and I went to go talk to Mrs. Nichols about the talent show. When I got back to homeroom, all the girls were crying. All of them. It was insanely awkward for me because I had no idea what happened in the five minutes I was gone. I just sat down and looked away. Anyway, I don't think there's much else to report on. I might blog later. Bye!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Let Me Break It Down For You...

  Today was no doubt one of the most stressful days of my life. It's not the most, of course, but I will not be telling anyone about that day. Today started out pretty normally. I was doing my homework in first period, blah, blah, blah. But I waas alo insanely happy because Rebecca managed to come over yesterday night to practice our song for the talent show auditions today.
  So, Rebecca has this crazy-weird stomach illness thing. She's out at least two days a week. I normally wait until third period to see if she's at school. We only have one class together, and no, it isn't third period. It's fourth. I get to see if she's at school in third because her class comes into luch a little bit after mine. Therefore, where she sits is visible from where I stand at the cafeteria doors while I wait to go back to class. If she's there, she's at school, but still might check out. If she's not...she's not.
  When I looked at her table, guess who wasn't there? Rebecca. I started to get worried, but had one small hope to cling onto. She mentioned to me at my house yesterday that if she checked out of school, her dad would bring her back for the auditions after school. There were two reasons why I classify this as a small hope.

1. I didn't know if she had checked out or hadn't been in school at all today.

2. I didn't know if she was completely sure that her dad would drop her off.

  Fast forwarding to the end of the day, I walked into the cafeteria with the rest of the people auditioning. I wondered if my small hope had been accurate. I didn't see Rebecca, so I whipped out my cell and called her. She said the worst five words that I could possibly hear at that point in time.

My. Dad. Won't. Drive. Me.

  I started to get dizzy and was going into mental hysteria as I realized that all of our stress and hard work would amount to nothing. What was worse was that when the director called our names, what was I supposed to do on stage? Cry?

It seemed like a wonderful option at the time.

  After I hung up with her, I just acted calm and listened to what the director had to say. She seemed very strict and rushed about the whole thing, and I was afraid that she wouldn't allow Rebecca and I to do our auditions on another date.
  I was so thankful when she started talking about how she wouldn't be posting the results for a while and how absentees could still try out. After I clarified my situation with her, she said it would be fine for us to audition later. Relieved but still frazzled from the whole thing, I walked out of the cafeteria to call my mom and tell her to come pick me up early.
  My mom didn't answer the phone. My dad didn't answer the phone. My grandma answered the phone, but she's eighty and can't drive. She got in touch with my mom eventually, and my mom came out to get me. I waited and waited and waited some more. I eventually had to just go spy on the auditions from the cafeteria doors. Then, I actually walked in because I forgot my lunch box and I wanted chocolate.
  Soon, it was past four, and the auditions were over. My mom had just arrived. I had been sitting in the front hallway doing nothing for a whole hour. I hated that my mom's job was so far away. Later on, we went to a Collierville High meeting at my school, and Reecca showed up to that. Wow.
  We straightened things out I suppose, and I just hope she'll be at school tomorrow so that we can finally audition. I was a little depressed at first. I really wanted to show people that I may be a quiet, smart girl on the outside, but had a powerful singing voice. Oh well. If we make it into the talent show, I'll get to show all of them plus about fifty other people. I'll survive.
  Anyway, I've got some homeowrk I need to do. And I really need to start wearing my brace more consistently. I don't want to have to get surgery. It's too late to put it on tonight, but whatever. Anyway, I have to go. See 'ya.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Talent Show...Trouble...Both Start With T.

  So, I'm posting kind of late today. I just didn't feel like it earlier. I'm stressed beyond belief. I don't know if I've mentioned the yalent show before, so I'm not going to re explain it. My friend Rebecca is IMPOSSIBLE to contact, and therefor, we didn't get to practice today.
  The auditions are on TUESDAY. She doesn't know the words, and hasn't practiced by herself. If we fail on stage, I'm blaming her. I've texted her so many times, and yet she never answers. EVER. Anyway, hopefully, we can get together after school tomorrow. (if she even comes to school.) She doesn't come often. She's missed more than thirty one days of school. And that's just for this semester.
  This post is going to be relatively short. I'm tired and am going to watch some YouTube videos. Well, I don't have much more to say today, so I might post a regular lengthed post tomorrow. Bye for now.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

NeRd is the Word.

  Today at eight in the freaking morning, I had to go get my hair done. I'm sure that some of my personality has to radiate from what I post on this blog. I don't know about you, but to me, I don't seem like much of a person who likes to get their hair done.

At eight in the morning.

  Nevertheless, I did. And eventually, I was finished with the agony of being poked at and burned with the mystery tools that they use to probe at my head. Things started to pick up afterwards, and we went to buy some food so that I don't starve anymore and have to kick it New York Hobo style again.
  Does anybody else completely love those dough cookies with the big blob of icing on top? You know, with the sprinkles? Its like a light color, soft, doughy cookie with icing on top. Eh, whatever. I bought some of those. mom bought them.
  Is anybody wondering why I'm being so random today? I am. Let me get back to the topic. After we did all that, we went to Target to buy some new earbuds for my iPod because the ones I had were broken way beyond repair. We also happened to stumble upon...




  They're those nerd glasses. They're back in style. Surprising, I know. Still, I've always been the odd kind and have loved those glasses before they were dubbed "so nerdy that they're cool" in modern times. My mom doesn't like me to have glasses like that because they're "too big for my face". I agree, but that's sort of the point, Mom. So I was surprised when she handed me the nerdiest pair of them all. They're sort of Hawaiian themed with island-colors (except blue) and palm leaves and stuff. I LOVED THEM.
In case that description didn't do you much justice, here's a picture of me with them on.

Yeah, I love Picnik. It's an awesome place to be. Anyway, I guess you can't really see the details well, but I'll post more pics when I don't feel so lazy. Anyway, tomorrow, my friend Rebecca is coming over so that we can practice for our talent show audition on Tuesday. We're singing "Chemicals React" by Aly and A.J. The music video is in the "Videos That Don't Suck" section in the overhead menu. Alright. If I have anything else to write about later, I might. For now, I'm out. Hah...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kickin' It New York Hobo Style

  The title speaks the truth. Why, you may ask, is the title "New York Hobo"? Am I on vacation to the Big Apple and just happening to want to blog about I hobo I met? Ha-Ha....WRONG. This is a blog, so I have no shame. If I did, I wouldn't have started this thing in the first place for two reasons.

1. I really don't have any secrets to be worried about, anyway.

2. It's embarrassing enough to admit that I actually have a blog in the first place.

  So, today, I fought my way through the legions of eighth graders in the hallway to get to the guidance counselor's office. No, I don't have problems that need to be talked about with a counselor. Although, I will admit that I do have some...less severe problems.
  Anyway, upon arrival, my eyes widened to see the large group of other eighth graders huddled around her desk bearing their four-year plan and registration forms. It seemed that a large amount of procrastinating, soon-to-be Houston High...what's the offical name of the mascot? Oh, who cares? It's a horse.
  I gazed down at my registration form, ready to put it directly in her hand, overjoyed to not be one of the losers that would have to have their forms placed in the late pile, considering that today was the last day and there were only about fifteen minutes left before dismissal.
  Only then did I notice that the most important part was left blank. I remember the counselor distinctly saying, "If you don't have the -----, I can't do anything with your form." I mentally cursed at myself and navigated my way around the circumference of the crowd. There, and only there, was a pencil. It was in the hand of another girl, but I had to get to it anyway.
  I waited for her to finish, and snapped up the pencil at my first opportunity, making my way over to the round, gray table to finish filling out my form. I found a few blanks that I hadn't filled out either, and finished that job. I realized that in order to complete the most important part of the form, I would need a pen.
  Directly across from me, in the hand of the same girl who had given me the pencil was a red pen. A glorious, glorious red pen. It turned out that she needed the pencil, so we swapped out and I thought that all was intact. That's right-- I haven't told you what the most important blank was. It's kind of obvious, so for the rest of you brainiacs who haven't figured it out yet, think. What's the most important thing that any student would need on any kind of form?

Their parent's signature.

  So here I was, standing in the guidance counselor's office in the last few minutes of the deadline day with a blank parent signature line and a red pen. Common sense will tell you what happens next. I lightly sketched a small R. Albright on the edge of the line. Then I wrote the date 2/10/11. I shouldn't have done it, I knew. I just didn't want to be in the late pile. I might not get all of the classes I want.
  I bet you're wondering, "When do we get to the part about the New York hobo?". Either that, or you're so engaged in my story that you don't care anymore. Truth is, this story has nothing to do with the hobo thing. I'm just leading up to it in chronological order.
  Anyway, I handed the paper to the counselor, nervous that she would see the falsity of my forged signature. She looked it over, and I was incredibly relieved when she approved it. I let out a sigh of relief, and with my pride, prepared to walk back to homeroom, registered for my possible high school.
  That's when the counselor stopped me and said, "Okay, honey, I just need a signature right there. Bring it back on Monday.". WHAT?! I turned around, not quite sure of my work enough to counter that the signature was as broad as daylight on the page, but to suggest that she might've made a mistake. When I saw the papers being held out to me, I stopped and realized what she meant.

My four-year plan also lacked a signature.

  I solemnly took the papers and truged back to homeroom. I was going into the late pile, for sure. And I even wasted forging the signature in the first place. All for nothing. In homeroom, sulking in my misery, I happened to key in on some of the kids that I had seen in the office's discussion.


  Okay, I'll spare you and not describe the joy that I felt at that moment. Let's fast forward to right now. My house has no food in it that I would like to eat. None. My neighbor Nikki brought me a strawberry Pop-Tart from her house, but that was gone quickly. Soon, I was left to scour my pantry looking for something that didn't expire last year. Eventually, I stumbled upon a small bag of chips that I could ration until my mom got home. (still not home).
  Then, I decided to put my brace on. Lucky for me, that once I had stripped down, I couldn't find the special shirt I have to wear with it. I'm a lazy procrastinator, as we have established many times, and therefore, I was too lazy to but my shirt back on no matter how cold it was.
  So here I am now; hungry, cold, shirtless, and blogging. Perfect description of a New York Hobo. My mom said she'd be calling me back soon, so I don't want to call her. But still, I---


  That was my mom. She called and said that my shirt was in the laundry room. The one place I forbid myself to ever go to. So there you have it. My hobo lifestyle come to an end. Alright, well, check out the videos section, comment, subscribe...wait, that the heck? This isn't YouTube. Speaking of YouTube, I'm going to go play the interactive video, "Homophobic Batman". See 'ya.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Early Morning...WHAT THE HECK? IT'S 2:45 ALREADY?

  Wow. I have to admit, at times I get out of hand when it comes to procrastinating. I woke up this morning (feeling like P Diddy) and I was like "Alright, Jorden, let's buckle down and finish this grammar project, because if you don't finish it today, you're screwed.". So, I came over to the computer and started adding stuff to my powerpoint.
  We all know how it is when we're doing something we really don't want to do and after maybe five minutes of doing it, our minds are convinced that we've worked on it for a long enough time. I've got that problem.


  I spent the longest time on YouTube trying to get votes for my friend April's and my Chapstick video. If you haven't seen it, I posted a link in my previous entry. Then, I started doing some of those interactive video things. They're insanely fun. Last, and totally least, this stupid blog came into the picture.
  I just had convinced my gullible brain that it'd be much more beneficial to do anything except the dumb project. I thought that I'd definitely be finished at about three or three thirty. Little did I know that it was already 2:45 and I hadn't done anything. I know, I know. I should be scrambling to work on it right now considering that it's about three o'clock.
  The other half of you are probably wondering what I'm so worried about. It's only three, and I have at least seven more good hours to finish the project. Wrong. It so happens that my mom comes home at about seven tonight, because she has to get her hair done, and expected me to finish the project in one night; that night being yesterday night, and was screaming her face off when I hadn't.
  I don't want to imagine, let alone describe what she will do when she finds out that I had a whole day and still didn't finish it.

*Mom walks in door.*
Mom: Did you finish the project?

Me: No, Mom.


Me: Mother, you know I am a procrastinator.


Me: Mom, that made no sense.

*Mom pulls out shotgun*



  These kind of things happen alot. She gets mad when I make a 95. If I have a 98 in a class, she'll say "Is there any way you can get extra credit to raise your score?" My mom's a nice person of course, but sometimes get a smidge out of hand when it comes to academics.
  Well, I 'm going to go put my brace on. It's about that time, anyway. And yes, I'm going to go work on the project. You don't have to worry. Alright, peace.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Procrastination Across the Nation

Isn't it funny how procrastination rhymes with nation? Yeah, I know it's not...but anyway, what's not funny is how close I was to being chopped and screwed for not having my grammar project done. I thank GOD for the random spazzes in weather that we've recently been having in TN.
This is like our fourth or fifth snow day. Tennessee is HOT. We get snow maybe once a year, if any. Heck, we get snow in March. But oddly, this year, the snow has been falling like the economy. I just got back from school. We got out early today because of...well, I sort of just explained why. Therefore, I didn't have to trudge into Mrs. Nall's sixth period today and admit tto my non-existent grammar project.
I have to redo the project tonight, and hopefully will be out of school tomorrow so that I have another day to browse over other people's weird blogs and look for misspellings and such. I'm becoming worse and worse at keeping up with the important stuff (much unlike this blog) and am drifting over to focusing more on the unimportant stuff (much like this blog).
I'm going to high school in August. My teachers have reminded me for my whole school-life that "You won't be able to get away with this s*** in high school!", but you know, in more of their robotic teacher-y way. I was really suprised to have all As and one B on my progress report yesterday. No matter what I do, I just can't dump those good grades.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to dump the grades, but honestly, no matter how proficiently I think I'm slacking, I always come out on honor roll. On another subject, I need to put my stupid brace on. I have scoliosis. Scoliosis is...wait, why should I waste my time typing it? Look it up if you don't already have it yourself.
Anyway, I think I'm going to go put it on even though I'm wearing a really awesome outfit today, and will have to take it off in order to have the brace on. Don't commit suicide, don't smoke, don't take drugs, and don't wear the pants. And while you're not doing those things, here's something you can do:
Go to, look up "coolerthancool8438" and click that green thumb, refresh, and repeat the process. I'm out.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Late Night Grammar Hunt

It's about ten thirty at night. I was supposed to have typed this earlier, but I was too busy editing the crud that I did to this blog when I was eleven. It's all about the inspiration, right? Wrong.
The new and improved version of this blog is all based on a stupid grammar project. Before Christmas Break, my teacher, Mrs. Nall assigned a grammar scavenger hunt project. I procrastinated, of course, knowing that I cared much too less to seek out errors in everything I read. I did what every modernized teen would do and searched "grammatical errors" on google.
Too bad that today, (the day before the project is due), Mrs. Nall decided to inform us at the last minute that we couldn't do that. I'm not going to lie; I should have expected that to come up eventually. I guess it's just one of those moments when you're desperate and wing it until you have to stop.
Well, long story short, while looking for errors to add to my start-over project, (this is really sad because I was finished with the project until the incident today) I was looking at people's blogs, and decided to make my own. That's why this is a waste of time. Anyway, I'm going to be mad at myself and end up falling asleep on the toilet tomorrow morning because I stayed up so late. OPTIONAL: If you find any grammar errors, post a link in the comments. Thank yah.